Editorial Policy

Welcome to Healthy Kadai! I’m Julia Gibson, and this blog represents my personal journey in cooking and healthy living.


I personally write all the content, drawing from my experiences as a housewife and mother, striving to feed my family nutritious meals.

Research Standards

Recipes and advice are based on tried-and-tested methods, refined through my daily kitchen experiences. Recommendations are based on my firsthand use and knowledge.


All content is original or significantly adapted by me. I give proper credit where due.

Editorial Review Process

Content is reviewed for accuracy, clarity, and engagement. Feedback from a small team of trusted culinary enthusiasts is considered for technical content.

Update and Correction Policy

I periodically review content for accuracy, especially recipes and equipment recommendations. Corrections are made transparently with explanatory notes.


I aim to be inclusive and respectful, considering cultural and dietary sensitivities.

User Engagement and Feedback

I encourage comments and feedback to foster a community of culinary enthusiasts. Constructive criticism and requests are welcome and seen as opportunities to improve.

Legal Compliance and Copyright

All content on Healthy Kadai is original and copyrighted. Any third-party material is used under fair use with proper attribution. The site complies with all applicable laws and regulations, including copyright and data protection standards.